Rigtig mange års arbejde med kunder i tekstilbranchen, og vores professionelle tilgang til vore kunder og vores arbejde, har givet os et samarbejde med arbejdsgiverorganisationen Dansk Mode og Textil.


Many years of working with customers in the textile industry, and our professional approach to our customers and our work, have given us a collaboration with the employer organization Dansk Mode og Textil.

Vi har gennem en årrække løst mange branche mæssige udfordringer for store og mellemstore virksomheder inden for alle mulige brancher.


Over several years, we have solved many industry-related challenges for large and medium-sized companies within all possible industries.

Kun få er specialister i forsikring af sol- og vindmølleparker. Det er nødvendigt med specialister, når forsikringsselskabernes tilbud varierer med vidt forskellige dækninger og vilkår.


Only a few are specialists in insurance for solar and wind farms. Specialists are necessary when the insurance companies’ offers vary/varies with different covers and terms.

Vores forsikringsrådgivning tager udgangspunkt i hverdagen for en moderne landbrugsvirksomhed, mere end i diverse forsikringsselskabers police bestemmelser.


Our insurance advice is based on the everyday life of a modern agricultural company, more than in the policy provisions of various insurance companies.

Vores forsikringsmæglere har et grundigt kendskab til branchen og ikke mindst til de forsikringsmuligheder de enkelte forsikringsselskaber tilbyder til branchen.


Our insurance brokers have a thorough knowledge of the industry and not least of the insurance options that the individual insurance companies offer to the industry

Vi har indgået en samarbejdsaftale med Landsforeningen Danske Forsamlingshuse (LDF) om forsikring af forsamlingshuse.


A professional broker/adviser can be held liable for his actions and omissions, which would not be liable to other without the same professional knowledge.

Vi har indgået en samarbejdsaftale med Landsforeningen Danske Forsamlingshuse (LDF) om forsikring af forsamlingshuse.


We have entered into a cooperation agreement with the national association of Danish community centers (LDF) regarding the insurance of community center.

Dansø består af mere end 30 engagerede forsikringsmæglere og forsikringsmæglerassistenter fordelt over hele landet.


Dansoe has in-depth knowledge of risk hedging in a traditional utility/supply company in the public sector or within electricity and heat supply.

Other companies

Our experienced insurance brokers work with all kinds of companies. Our clients is all from small shops, repair shops, small and larger production companies, to very big production companies. We have energy company in our portfolio, and we have companies that sort waste and companies that reuse waste in production. We have public companies and communes.


Our goal is for you to get a clear overview of your insurance commitments.